Keynote speakers

Nina K. Prebensen

University of South-Eastern Norway (USN) School of Business
3045 Drammen

Nina K. Prebensen, Ph.D. ( is Professor and Vice Dean for Research and Innovation at the Business School, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). She has edited books and published papers in various tourism and marketing journals. Her research highlights particularly the tourist decision and experience processes, where co-creation of value for hosts and guests is in focus. Currently, in addition with building stronger research culture and structure at the business school, she is working on a project dealing with user experience in tourism through online platforms.

Jarkko Saarinen

Geography Research Unit, University of Oulu

Jarkko Saarinen is Professor of Human Geography at the University of Oulu, Finland, and Distinguished Visiting Professor (Sustainability Management) at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa. His research interests include regional and local development, sustainability in tourism, tourism and climate change, resilience studies, tourism-community relations, and nature conservation studies. He is Editor for the Tourism Geographies and Associate Editor for the Annals of Tourism Research. His recent publications include co-edited books: Tourism, Change and the Global South (Routledge, 2021), Resilient Destinations (2019, Routledge), and Borderless Worlds for Whom? (2019, Routledge).

Iis Tussyadiah

Professor of Intelligent Systems in Service
Head of School of Hospitality & Tourism Management , University of Surrey

Iis Tussyadiah conducts research on digital transformation in the travel and hospitality industry, investigating the applications and implications of intelligent systems in services to inform business practice and policy. Iis is Surrey Principal Investigator for the PriVELT Project (2018 – 2022), funded by Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), aiming to develop user-centric privacy-aware data management platform to facilitate seamless, highly personalised travel experience for tourists.

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