Call for contributions to the 30th NORTHORS symposium on 27-29 September 2022 in Porvoo, Finland
We invite you to enrol to act as a chair at the disciplinary sessions mentioned in the Call for extended abstracts (responsibility, stakeholders’ participation in sustainable tourism development, inclusive tourism, innovation and resilience, work force and resilience, governance and resilience, co-creating sustainably, learning, teaching and education in tourism and hospitality, entrepreneurship in tourism and hospitality), please have a look at the symposium web page. The chairs are wished to participate in the peer review process.
Additionally, we call for your proposals for themes for special workshop sessions, with a short description of the topic. These sessions could deal e.g. with new or ongoing collaborations, book projects etc. for which the NORTHORS members may have a need to meet and discuss. For these sessions, there will be a call for short abstracts with about 250 words, as soon as we have got your proposals.
Please submit your enrolment and/or proposal to jarmo.ritalahti(at) by 17 February 2022. We shall open the Easychair for abstract submissions after that date.